A little about me, Nikki.

Hi everyone! Welcome to our new website, I hope you are enjoying yourself. The website platform came with a “journal” section, so I thought I would write a post every now and then about what’s going on here on the farm! From any problems we run into, to what we are harvesting, all the way up to our school and home life!

To start off, my name is Nicole but got the nickname Nikki when I bought over 100 chickies!! LOL Yes, that’s how this ALL started, from my love for animals. I bought over 100 chickens, built the coop from scratch with my AMAZING husband Tyler (I’m sure you’ll read a lot about him lol). I eventually started getting A LOT of eggs so I started selling them! That with our yummy juicy dates, and date bread!

Now, how did we get into bees you ask? Tyler’s dad, my father in law, had several hives and it didn’t intrigue me much until the day I got stung for the FIRST TIME ever! Weird, right? Well it’s because I started to wonder what made bees upset, what makes them happy, what do they do all day, how do they live? Yeah, lots of questions that I had no answer to! So I started reading A LOT (advice from my FIL), and one day I asked to borrow his bee suit. I went out there and went at it! Opened up the hives, looked at the frames, took A LOT of pictures because I had NO idea what I was looking at. As time went on and I got more hands on experience and read more books (Beekeeping for Dummies is great!) I started to fall in love with it all. We still make mistakes to this day, but we get up and learn from them, and keep moving forward! The hardest part for me was learning to spot the queen, as you can read and read and learn hands on, but finding the queen is a skill that is acquired with just time and practice. Once you have it down, it’s like a gift that stays with you!

Anyhow, before this becomes a book, I’ll wrap up with just how grateful we are for all the support from our friends, family, and people we meet everyday. Offering a fresh product that you know and trust is important to us, and we are happy to share our small farm story with everyone and our challenges and accomplishments along the way!

Until next time,

Nikki’s Chickies


“Wingin’ It”